Hello, wellcome to this article from my blog. My name is Natalia, I am twenty two years old and I study at the PUCPR, in Brazil. I was born with a visual disability that makes me almost totally blind. I can only make a diference between very dark and very lighted places. I am using the computer for writing tis article but, when I was young, i learn propperly how to read and write in Braille, wich is the topic of this post.
Braille is a writing code that has elped peopple around the world to comunicate and to be free. Also, it has been adapted to de new technologies. It is made of different convination of six points that, in certain positions, mean diferent letters from our latin alfabet. When a tipewriter is not available, these are the special objects that we need to write in braille: A slate is a metal or plastic guide that opens with a hinge on one end. A slate can come in different shapes and sizes. A stylus is a small tool about 3 inches long, with a metal point at one end and a wooden knob or plastic handle at the other end. There is also braille for languages that use diferent tipes of alfabet, such as Chinesse or Arabic.
Braille is not a new languaje, it is just a different way of repressenting letters.
Braille is a dot sistem that can be touched and readed for the blind persons. It was oficially created by Louis Braille, from France, in 1825. He was blind since he was a child, and he only learned how the leters work with heavy and inpractical models of the letters.
Louis Braille was born on january of 1809, and death in 1852.
He was blind because of an accident since he was three years old, so he couldn’t read a book, for example. He discovered and improved a sistem that was used for the soldiers in war to read mesajes in the darknes, just touching the letters. Louis Braille allowed blind peopple to read books, write letters, know the name of their medicines and the numbers o fan elevator. He has also allowed to read and write music, and i’ts still present in our technological world.
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